Portal Integrators

Friday Retrospective – A little kindness goes a long way

Colleagues Brainstorming In Front Of Whiteboard

Business colleagues brainstorming multicolored labels stuck on whiteboard in meeting

For this week’s Friday Retrospective, I would like to talk about kindness. Most of us learned to show compassion and be kind to one another even before going to school.

At an early age, we were taught that showing kindness begets kindness and creates a happier life.

Every now and then we need to be reminded to be kind to the people we work with. Work sometimes could be hectic. There are always deadlines to meet and some goal to achieve. As we go through each day trying to get things done we sometimes forget to be kind. We become abrupt in our response, terse in our comments and worst are actions can be perceived as political. I am not going to be naive and think kindness is the magic pill.

always be kind

How can we show kindness at work? If you practice Scrum with your team, be mindful when providing feedback during retrospective. The retrospective at the end of each sprint is an opportunity for the team to discuss and work through issues. We all want to be comfortable at work. We spend most of our waking hours in our adult life at work. Sometimes what is comfortable to us might bring some annoyance to others. Be kind in letting others know if something bothers you and also be kind in responding if you are at the receiving end.


Most of us learned to show compassion and be kind to one another even before going to school. At an early age, we were taught that showing kindness begets kindness and creates a happier life. 

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