Monday Motivation: Setting Your Intention
Setting your intention for the week sounds a bit fluffy. Most of us begin our week on a Monday. We go to work, do our job, go home and repeat four more times during the week. There is work to do, and that is more than enough intention, right?
Setting an intention is often associated with meditation. You can set your intention as you begin something – whether it is to start your day, your meditation, your week, your year. Wherever you choose to set your intention, the idea is all the same. Before you start, pause and think about what is your purpose. You acknowledge it, reflect on it and if you are feeling up for it write it down. Doing all these does not have to take very long. It could be as simple as closing your eyes, taking a deep breath and setting your intention. It could take as fast as two minutes as you start this practice.

If this is sounding like it is not something to do at work, try it before you completely cross it out. When I first started the practice of setting my intention before I do my job, it was to help me reclaim my calm before I dive into things. Setting intentions helped me make my head for whatever stressful situations I encountered on my way to work. Examples of stressful situations could be the train being late or the coffee maker at home not working.

Live with intention.
Walk to the edge.
Listen Hard.
Practice wellness.
Play with abandon.
Choose with no regret.
Appreciate your friends.
Continue to learn.
Do what you love.
Live as if this is all there is.
The intentions do not have to be grand or world changing – although it could be if that is what you want. When I set my intentions for the week, it is usually about simple things like my intention is to allow my mind to be open to things I have yet to uncover. Alternatively, acknowledging that I may not know every answer to every challenge that awaits me for the week and for me to be open to discovering things I am not sure.
Keep in mind the purpose of setting intentions is to help put some positivity into your day. There is no right or wrong. Best way or wrong way. There is no judgment. It is not another goal or checklist item on a to-do list. You set your intention and go about your day.