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Three Things We Are Enjoying in July

Patriotic holiday. Silhouettes of people holding the Flag of USA. America celebrate 4th of July.

Three Things We Are Enjoying in July

The Game of Thrones’ 7th Season just premiered last July 17, and we can say the long wait was worth it. We won’t talk more about it since we don’t want to spoil anything for those who have not seen it yet, but all we can say as loyal viewers of this series is that it is kind of bittersweet to think that this is the second to the last season.

EverWing is a game that was developed by Blackstorm Labs for the Facebook Messenger app, and we are hooked on it. Our team even created a Messenger group just for this game. The gameplay will remind you of those arcade games in the 90s wherein you have to guide a shooter plane or a spaceship which is moving upwards and have to shoot obstacles, or else it’s game over. In EverWing, you have to guide your character, a Guardian, and shoot monsters that are on her way. It’s fun because you have to play with your friends, especially for Boss Raids. To play EverWing on mobile, you need to open your Facebook Messenger app, open a conversation and just above the write a message field, tap on the Game controller icon. Search for EverWing on the latest releases list and just click on Play.

Movie or binge-watching series time feels incomplete without a snack to munch on, and our team found out that Orville Redenbacher’s Movie Theater Butter popcorn is the best snack to munch on during movie time, or even just during our meetings. The taste is just right in a way that it is not too salty, and the butter, as the name suggests, will remind you of that buttery popcorn that they serve in theaters. Motion picture time at home is much better with this popcorn.

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