For a Better Team Awesome
Every team had a strength and weaknesses, here at Portal Integrators, we also want to develop the teamwork and the relationship of each member, we improve the strength of each other and emphasize the weakness and make it positive for us to be a better team.
Last July 4, 2017, we had our Quarterly Seminar at Max’s Restaurant. The seminar’s purpose was for us to know work and build a better relationship with each other and also for us to make a stronger team. We started the seminar by introducing ourselves, what our role is, and what is our current feeling and then we proceeded to discuss the topics. Before we started the topics, we had our lunch, and all of us enjoyed the food. After a few minutes, we started the seminar.

The following are the topics that were discussed in our seminar.
The first topic we discussed is the Work Environment. The speaker identified to us what is the meaning, parts, and factors of the Work Environment for us to understand well the “Work Environment” word. As the part of the seminar, we had an activity which is the sharing where all of us drew what is our ideal working environment, Of course, all of us drew our most desired working environment.

The second topic is the Characteristics of a Positive Work Environment, as an intro to the topic, the speaker shared a video to us, a happy man going to work with positive thoughts. And the speaker started to discussed that every employee must possess these characteristics: Transparent & Open Communication, Work-Life balance, Training & Development-Focused, Recognition for Hard Work and Strong Team Spirit for us to have a Positive Work Environment. We understand what the importance of positive work environment is, what should we do for the team to make it more productive and efficient. We also discussed the Work-Life balance for us so we can promote creativity and out-of-the-box thinking.
The third topic is the Work Culture, to make this topic short the speaker gave an example what is the different kinds of Work Culture in any regions, The speaker also gave as the definition of the Work Culture and ask our Work Culture in our team. We said that we follow Scrum Guide as our methodology in our work.

The last topic we discussed in our seminar is the Characteristic of Healthy Work Culture, what is the benefits of a healthy work culture in a team. We should value the top performer of the team, Encourage discussions, The “Dictator approach” does not fit in the current scenario and also promote team building activities that are all the characteristics of a Healthy Work Culture must possess of a Team to make it better.
After all the topics had been discussed, we made sure that the Team gathered a valuable lesson, we are One Team that bonds together to build a good software solution. We are the Team Awesome!