Portal Integrators

The Joy it Gives

This blog has been quiet for over a year. Of course, I have to write my first post after a long time while experiencing flaky internet. Such has been the last few months for us – a lot of changes sometimes wanted and some surprises.

Two of our For Dummies books release updates recently. Office 365 For Dummies, 3rd Edition came out last October. SharePoint For Dummies was released last April. As any book writing project, it was months of nights and weekends spent completing the chapters to meet our deadlines.

This month of July I am in Metro Manila, Philippines doing my share promoting the books and encouraging organizations large and small to use Office 365 and SharePoint. If they are already subscribed to Office 365, helping them go to the next step of utilizing more of the platform to get the most out of their investments and increase productivity.

Often times people are overwhelmed – either by the amount of features at their disposal or the fact another to-do item or items just got added to their list. Helping others get over their initial hesitation and eventually adapt to what them is something new give me joy. I try my best to accommodate as many requests for my time to teach as I can.

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