by Portal Integrators | Aug 16, 2017 | Culture, General, Team Awesome
Each person has a different number of drawbacks that he or she may be facing every day. Drawbacks that exist in work, in school, or at home. Each of us may be needing help to overcome and solve challenges of life. Good thing, every one of us has this heart of kindness...
by Portal Integrators | Aug 15, 2017 | Microsoft, Office 365, Success at Work
If you’re like me who is just not that great at creating diagrams or any visualization of data, then you should continue reading because we are about to learn something awesome. Unlike some of my teammates who can create diagrams and make them look very organized and...
by Portal Integrators | Aug 11, 2017 | Fun list, General, Team Awesome
One of the things that make Team Awesome awesome is that we are constant learners. Aside from the fact that we like learning new things, it is also a necessity in the tech world to keep up with and adapt to the latest technologies. This is why having a Udemy...
by Portal Integrators | Aug 10, 2017 | Microsoft, Office 365, Success at Work
We’re now in the cloud era, where everything is up there in the cloud. Not the real cloud in the sky, but something similar in the sense that it exists and you can see it, but you can’t touch or hold it. Also, when something is in the cloud, you can access it anywhere...
by Portal Integrators | Aug 9, 2017 | Dev Team, General
Have you ever thought of why most developers these days really love to work at night? Based on what we have learned from asking those programmers the reason that always has the same is that they can work much faster and think much clearer when they are working at...