Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure Cloud Computing Platforms and Services is a Hybrid cloud. What is a Hybrid Cloud? Hybrid cloud is the cloud that uses a mix of private cloud, third-party services in cloud and composition of two platforms. Azure is one of the most trusted cloud computing services in the world because of its security. These are the services that Microsoft Azure that can offer to you. Azure Security Center, Azure Monitor, Azure Application Insight, Azure Cost Management, Azure Backup, Azure Site Recovery, Azure Migrate and Azure Policy. With these Azure security, you can make sure that all your data are very secure. You are using this cloud you can also make an intelligent AI. We can developed app with-in an AI.
The Joy it Gives
This blog has been quiet for over a year. Of course, I have to write my first post after a long time while experiencing flaky internet. Such has been the last few months for us - a lot of changes sometimes wanted and some surprises. Two of our For Dummies books...
What is Ajax?
Ajax and javascript are great for creating dynamic web applications, but before we discuss the AJAX let us first talk about how the browser works. The browser gets information to display a page. How does it work? When a browser request a page from the website the...
The Never Endless Bug
Bug? If you are an ordinary person the one inlet in your mind about a bug is like a pesky worm or virus, but no, as a developer in our daily working experience we always encounter different bugs. That was super annoying but we have no choice because debugging is a...