The Never Endless Bug
Bug? If you are an ordinary person the one inlet in your mind about a bug is like a pesky worm or virus, but no, as a developer in our daily working experience we always encounter different bugs. That was super annoying but we have no choice because debugging is a part of our job and of course when you fix them that was so happy for us because we satisfied our client and prevented them from keeping their application work as well.
Let me tell you and give you a deep understanding of the bug in our environment as a developer.

The bug is a coding error or sometimes is a misbehavior action in a computer program and the impact of this programming bugs are aim to damage and could have a broad range of effects on the end-user. Some of the bugs are very simple such as your code editing program that takes a little extra loading. It is something that might not detect sometime, and the others are more serious or critical and may root of application to freeze or down when performing some action.
One time when our team assigns me to debug one misbehavior action in one of the websites of our client for me as a new developer, it’s hard for me to debug the error. I am like a searching an insect around the jungle and imagine that it’s taking me a whole day to find that shitty bug.
Bugs are unavoidable or things that don’t recognize, developers are also human we all can do to is try our best to prevent them, react quickly when bugs occur to avoid them and always stay up to date.
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