Features of Google Hangouts
Google Hangouts has many features, here’s an overview of what they offer:
- Instant Messaging
- Voice Calls
- HD Video Calls
- HD Group Conferencing
- Auto Screen Focus
- Intelligent Muting
- Compatibility with multiple computing devices
- Built-in screen sharing
- Hangout on Air
- Integration with other Google applications
- Custom Control for Admins

Hangouts allow conversations between two or more users. The service can be accessed online through the Gmail or Google+ websites or through mobile apps available for Android and iOS (which were distributed as a successor to their existing Google Talk apps). Chat histories are saved online, allowing them to be synced between devices. A “watermark” of a user’s avatar is used as a marker to indicate how far they have read the conversation. Photos can be shared during discussions, which are automatically uploaded to a private Google+ album. Users can also now use color emoji symbols in their messages. – Source (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Hangouts)
There are different ways for businesses to benefit from google hangouts. In a corporate setting, Google Hangouts can be implemented as a collaboration platform for meetings and interaction between business owners and their customers via HD video. They can also save expenses and time on travel with Hangout’s face-to-face functionality for online meetings and conferences.
Google Hangouts without a doubt is one of the most affordable communication tools available. It is why it holds the leading positions in our Communications Software category.
For businesses that need live video broadcasting, Google Hangouts has a feature which enabled Google+ users to stream video calls via YouTube.
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