Google Drive Supports Search Within A Folder
Most of the companies are using Google Drive as storage of their important files. Some used this to save most of their data. It is very convenient to use since all your of company’s files are stored in one place. It makes your documents centralized and organized. But since, most of all files are saved here; it makes us find the document needed very difficult.
This update to Google Drive makes our life a lot easier because they released an update to search within the specific folder in Google Drive. We can now find the files we need easier because of this update. And it will be more hassle-free search since we don’t need to search in all folders. But only folders inside your drive can be searched; if you want to also search in a shared folder with you, you need first to add the folder to your drive.
Search within folder in Google Drive is a feature that makes searching process fast and efficient.

It makes the searching process fast and efficient for us users. It will also prevent you from searching the same file in the different folder. Since you’ll be searching in a particular folder, even two file exists with different destination folder; you’ll not be confused from which of them is the file you need for that folder you choose to search. This feature filters the files you’ll need in a specific folder. It gives you quick access to the file or document you’re looking for since it limits the results to the only files inside the folder you choose to search with.
What you need to do is:
First, choose a folder on your drive. Right-click then a set of options in a drop-down will show.
The search bar will automatically set you to the folder you choose to search from.

Select then choose Search within [folder name] and click it.
It is the update of Google Drive that most of the users are waiting. Because upon reading in their forums, most of them are asking if there is a way to search within a particular folder in Google Drive. And now they released this feature last January 9, 2018. Many GSuite users will be happy upon hearing this news because, after almost a year, Google finally make this features for us.
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