by | Oct 20, 2017 | Culture, General, Team Awesome
Having seminars is one way of helping the team build a healthy relationship towards each other. One component that builds up a team is to have effective communication. But let’s define it first. According to the internet, communication is imparting or exchanging of...
by Portal Integrators | Oct 19, 2017 | G Suite, Learn something new, Success at Work
As a regular content producer here in our Portal Integrators site, I am always on the lookout for topics that I want to share with everyone who visits our website. It also happens often that I run out of ideas while in the office, but once I stepped outside the room,...
by | Oct 18, 2017 | Dev Team, General, Team Awesome
Have you thought of a way to make your sites more interactive? AMP will suit your website needs. First and foremost, do we know what AMP is? It stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages. It is a library for user-friendly websites. Last October 5, 2017, Gen and I went to...
by | Oct 13, 2017 | Culture, General, Team Awesome
It is a great opportunity when the company you’re currently working gives you the chance to travel outside your country. If you have been given that opportunity, it is better not to miss it especially for those who are like me that is just their first time traveling...
by chiefgolly | Oct 10, 2017 | General, Microsoft, Office 2016, Office 365, Office Ninja, Outlook, Productivity, Success at Work
Many of us reach for our smartphones first thing in the morning to check email. Yes, in the 8 hours (or less) we were asleep the first thing we do is check on what emails we may have been missed. As the number of ways we communicate, the number of emails has only...